Éva Danyi
Business development & export
Kézműves Desszert Manufaktúra Kft.
Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday 13:00 - 16:00
DescriptionKézműves Desszert Manufaktúra Kft is a producer of artrisanal, special quality, modern frozen desserts and cakes.
Organization Type
Producer, Manufacturer,
CityBudapest, 1098 Budapest, Táblás utca 36-38 Google map
Areas of Activities
Food products
Handmade, high quality frozen desserts and cakes
We are offering a wide range of special quality handmade frozen dessert. We are looking for companies in the HORECA sector that can take the advantage of the solution that our portfolio offers
Cooperation Offered
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Manufacturing agreement
Cooperation Requested
- Sales / Distribution