mario maratea


Kétoldalú találkozó

  • Csütörtök 13:00 - 16:00
LeírásGargano Sapori is an artisan company founded to produce liqueurs, pasta, sweets, jams and taralli according to the ancient recipes of Gargano: the company is now a reference point for the most refined palates, lovers of genuine food and Italian and Apulian culinary traditions. Everything is made possible above all by the genuine raw materials used during the production process; each phase of the same is certified and meets the highest European standards in terms of food safety.
Szervezet típusa Termelő
Városmonte sant'angelo, località stinchitiello Google map
Tevékenységi körök



    handmade products from Puglia

    Established in Monte Sant'Angelo during year 1999 from an idea of the owner Mr. Mario Maratea to produces liqueurs, pasta and biscuits according to the antique recipes of Gargano, the firm represents today a reference point for the most refined palates who loves genuine food together with italian culinary traditions:
    • Italian Pasta is the queen of Mediterranean diet in addition to be national symbol of national cooking loved for this reason all over the world;
    • Our sweet and biscuits are easy and genuine. They are made up with eggs, flour, sugar, almonds, honey, winw, cooked must and cinnamon;
    • Apulian "Taralli and Tozzetti" are a genuine and traditional product. Parfumed and crunchy are doubts one of the best apulian specialities;
    • Delicious liqueurs and creams liqueurs prepated from a sugary solution and flavoured with the best natural and herbs;lemons, almonds, sambuca;
    • Olive leaves, chestnut, spices, flowers and many others;
    • Traditional italia cremes, patè and sauce to dress your pasta and to create genuine dishes according to "grandmother's method".
    The whole production is artisan: everyday more than 20 people check manually step by step all the production process up to the packaging. The production is carried out with the help of innovative and tecnologically advanced kithen guaranteeing an excellent production capacity and superior quality products.
    Each production step is certified and respects the highest European food safety standards.
    Quality, product innovation, excellent customized service, customers satisfaction and large flexibility are the keys to success in GARGANOSAPORI'S present and future.

    Kulcsszavak: pastatarallimadeinitalyhandmade productsapulia
    Ajánlott együttműködés
    1. Ertékesítés / forgalmazás
    2. Befeketetés / finanszírozás