
Hagymási Balázs

Venison Gusto LTD

Kétoldalú találkozó

  • Csütörtök 13:00 - 16:00
LeírásOur unique gourmet charcuterie can be served in various ways – such as the basic ingredients of any gourmet chef dishes, e.g. starters, main courses or exclusively as cold plate - in order to showcase and represent the wide variety of Venison Gusto’s repertoire which shows completely that the consumption opportunities of our products are truly endless.
Szervezet típusa Vállalkozás
VárosPécs, Hungária utca 14. C. 1. Google map
Tevékenységi körök


    Saját márkás termékek


      Looking for distributors - Gourmet shops, Delicatesse

      Artisan charcuterie products are increasingly gaining recognition for their great flavors and healthy quality of meat. Our gourmet-smoked products are hand made by the head salami master. These traditional Hungarian manufacturing and handcraft techniques have been passed down through from father to son as far back as the 1800’s. Our highly skilled team take strong care to provide Europe with the healthiest quality of meat which truly create a huge difference in the dining experience.
      We are highly motivated to meet new partners through Europe who have mutual interests. Our company’s most important viewpoint is to be up to premium standards. This includes the best quality of the product followed by an exquisite packaging to be well-presented with a quality of the highest standard.

      Kulcsszavak: Gourmet ShopsDelicatesseDeliStore
      Kívánt együttműködés
      1. Együttműködés
      2. Ertékesítés / forgalmazás

      Looking for distributors - HORECA

      We believe that our products aren't just for charcuterie boards or brunches; they make great basic ingredients for a kitchen. Our company is connected with several chefs across Europe who have made some sensational meals using our products. You can find them at http://venisongusto.com/recipe . If certified, lactose-free, gluten-free and chemical-free is what you are looking to use, we are able to provide such high quality artisan charcuterie products for your business.

      We are highly motivated to meet new partners through Europe who have mutual interests. Our company’s most important viewpoint is to be up to premium standards. This includes the best quality of the product, the package and even the appearance of our company.

      Kulcsszavak: HotelsRestaurantsCateringHotel ChainsRestaurant Chains
      Kívánt együttműködés
      1. Ertékesítés / forgalmazás
      2. Együttműködés